

Ready for the New Not-for-Profit Accounting Standard?

A new accounting standard goes into effect starting in 2018 for churches, charities and other not-for-profit entities. Here’s a summary of the major changes. Net asset classifications The existing rules require nonprofit organizations to classify their net assets as either unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted. But under Accounting Standards

October 18th, 2017|

GAAP vs. Tax-Basis Reporting: Choosing the Right Model for Your Business

Virtually every business must file a tax return. So, some private companies issue tax-basis financial statements, rather than statements that comply with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). But doing so could result in significant differences in financial results. Here are the key differences between these two financial reporting options.

October 13th, 2017|

Tax Basis Planning Worth a Look if Estate Taxes Aren’t a Threat

For many people today, income tax planning offers far greater tax-saving opportunities than gift and estate tax planning. A record-high gift and estate tax exemption — currently $5.49 million ($10.98 million for married couples) — means that fewer people are subject to those taxes. If gift and estate taxes aren’t

October 12th, 2017|

Reasons to Outsource Payroll and Obtain a Service Audit Report

Payroll reporting doesn’t have to be a laborious process. Consider using an outside company to manage your payroll function. Here’s why payroll outsourcing may be beneficial and how a service audit can provide assurance about your payroll provider’s internal controls. Rewards and risks Payroll can be an administrative nightmare if

October 6th, 2017|
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